The United Way of Southington allocates funds to 501 (c) (3) agencies that administers programs for the benefit of Southington residents only. Agencies are held accountable for the use of funds that support Southington families and individuals by reporting to the United Way of Southington office on the outcomes from the use of these funds as applied to their programs.
Funds are provided on a yearly basis to the agencies subsequent to the agency applying for funds, participating in an application request meeting and demonstrating an ability to work in conjunction with all the other agencies we fund. The meeting is conducted by an Allocations Committee formed each year by members of the volunteer United Way of Southington Board of Directors who review all applications and reports from the past year’s use of funds and program results.
Agency programs support the United Way worldwide mission of providing assistance to those in need in the areas of health, education and income. Furthermore, our United Way of Southington strongly encourages the funding of programs that support our ALICE population and the financial assistance they require for the basic survival needs of our people.
The United Way of Southington is very proud and extremely thankful for the work of the agencies we fund. We welcome our continued support of our agencies and encourage all 501(c)(3) agencies who support Southington residents to contact us if you have worthy programs that will support our people.