Julia, a young mother with two sons, was introduced to Prudence Crandall
Center (PCC) when she found herself in a dangerous situation with her abuser and was in search of a safe place to stay. After years of physical, emotional, and financial abuse, Julia decided to call the domestic violence hotline. She was immediately provided crisis intervention counseling and given a place to stay in PCC's shelter. Her family's first night in the shelter was the first time Julia had felt at ease. With the support of PCC staff, Julia and her family were comfortable and safe. It was the start of a new beginning.
From the start, PCC staff collaborated on a comprehensive safety plan for Julia and her sons. Julia was connected with our court advocates to file a restraining order against her abuser for immediate safety. To help process the trauma she endured, Julia was also referred to PCC's counseling services, and throughout the winter, took the time she needed to heal and move forward.